The empty bell
The dead birds
In the house where everything sleeps
Nine hours
The world stands still
It seems someone has died
The trees look as though they are smiling
A drop of water hangs at the end of each leaf
A cloud crosses the night
Outside a door a man sings
The window opens without a sound.
About Poet:
Pierre Reverdy was at the centre of the French poetry and culture for fifteen of the hea
diest years of the century. After settling in Paris in 1910, Reverdy founded the influential journal Nord-Sud with Max Jacob and Guillauma Apollinaire, which drew togethr the first Surrealists. Associated with painters such as Picasso, Gris and Braque, he has been called a Cubist poet, for conventional structure is eliminated in his poesie brut ('raw poetry'), muchas the painters cut away surface appearance to bring through the underlying forms.